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How to Elope in VA Beach During COVID – 19

Apr 17, 2020

Step by Step Guide to Elope in VA Beach during COVID-19

Here is a step by step guide on how to elope in VA Beach during COVID-19. The paperwork is the same (I’ll go over these), but the process is a bit different!

What do you need to apply for your marriage license:

You and your partner both will need to complete this Marriage License Application found on the VBgov site. IMPORTANT: You need to complete TWO marriage license applications. One for you and one for your partner. They will not issue a marriage license without two of these completed.

Along with your Marriage License Applications, you will each will need a valid form of ID. IDs include Drivers License, Passport, Military ID, etc.

Lastly, you must bring $30 in cash to apply for your license. You must have exactly $30, they are processing the licenses via drive-thru.

How to apply for your marriage license:

The satellite office is a drive-thru only service. You do not park and go in the building to file for your license. You simply get in your car, drive to the new satellite office, wait in line, then provide all of your completed documents to the staff who will then give you your license (pending your paperwork is properly completed). Easy Peasy!

Where do you apply:

VA Beach government has set up a satellite office to accommodate marriage licenses and other various licenses. Can we collectively give them a gold star for taking quick action during our time of need!?? The satellite office is located in an old Wells Fargo building and has a temporary sign out front.

VA Beach Satellite Office Location:
1804 Princess Anne Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

When can you apply:

The satellite office is open from 9 am-1 pm Monday – Friday. Marriage license applications will be accepted during these times, only if everything is completed prior to driving up. Remember no change will be given for the amount required to obtain your license.

Who can marry you?

In Virginia, you must have a commissioner or priest marry you. The VBgov site provides three commissioners that can perform your ceremony. The commissioners typically charge $50 cash to perform the marriage ceremony.

Let’s make it official!

Your commissioner or priest will file your marriage license with the city within 5 days of your ceremony. Once you provide your marriage license to your commissioner or priest they will handle everything from there.

How to get that pretty piece of paper!

To receive a certified copy of your marriage certificate you must apply for one. During COVID-19 you can apply for a certified copy by sending in for it.

  1. Complete the Certified Copy of Marriage License Form located on the VBgov site.
  2. Include a personal check or money order for $2.50
  3. Complete & include a self-addressed envelope with your form.
  4. Mail in the form and self-addressed envelope. (You can mail this before you even have your ceremony for quick processing)

How must does this all cost?

Marriage License: $30 exact cash
Commissioner: $50 cash (may vary)
Certified Marriage License: $2.50 per copy + cost of a postage stamp

Can I still have you capture this moment?

Hell yeah, you can! As long as there are less than 10 people present and social distancing is practiced. Easy Peasy!

My courthouse elopement collections begin at $650 and are custom created for your needs. Simply inquire below and I’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Where can we get married:

Location Suggestions:
– Virginia Beach (simple beach ceremonies do not require a permit)
– Pleasure House Point
– Stumpy Lake Nature Reserve
– Back Bay Preserve
– Red Wing Park
– Create a forever memory in your back yard!

Helpful Links:

Marriage Application
Marriage Commissioners
Certified Marriage License Copy Application

Eloping after COVID-19? Check out my how-to guide to eloping in VA Beach!