Anna and Dani are the two babes behind Citrine Hair & Skin Collective that is set to open in early 2020 in Chesapeake Virginia. They’ve created a business focused on giving you the total package in one stop! They didn’t stop there…

Ever get nervous at a salon appointment simply from not fully understanding what you’ll need to have done? Not at Citrine. I can tell you from my own experience (See below I spill some scary personal things) with them you receive the most thorough consultation! Asking you questions that you’ve never thought to discuss with your stylist!

Anna, the cutie with the long brown hair, started a small solo-preneur salon last year. She knew she wanted something bigger, starting can be the hardest part, so she got the ball moving. Dani, the smokin’ blonde, had big dreams of managing her own salon after years of experience in the industry. Anna & Dani know each other, they’re actually friends. Funny enough it took a few months but the stars aligned and Citrine was born!

Time for me to dish about my personal journey with Citrine Hair & Skin Collective! Phew, here it goes. I am Cat, I am 31 and I have grey hair. (insert exhale) I knew it would come someday, my father was grey in his 20s, my mom was later in life, but me? Nope, I feel too young!

Wrong! It’s normal. And thank sweet tap-dancing Jesus it didn’t happen in my 20s!
I contacted Citrine, and told them I had a couple of grey hairs….hilarious…a couple? Anna started asking me about my family history, then about my natural hair color now and as a child. After a few maintenance questions, she suggested a style and color that is perfect for my lifestyle, plus it makes me feel YOUNG AGAIN!!!! Can I get a HALLELUJAH??!!!

When they contacted me to help with branding images for their business I was honored and thrilled! I am ecstatic for these two to open a salon centered around such a helpful experience! Not to mention they’re both such beautiful spirits.

It’s not easy to go from being behind the scenes to front and center. You need someone to help you feel comfortable, to direct you on what to do with your hands. (No Ricky Bobby Hands here) I take it slow with my clients. Helping you ease into the session, guiding you gently on how to interact. I also get you moving so you can stop thinking about the spotlight.

Dani, Anna and I ventured around to a few different locations which may or may not have included cookies. Making sure each backdrop and environment worked with their branding. Add in some creative fun & laughs and there you have it! Easy Peasy branding session is done! Kick ass content created!