At Home Date Night Ideas
At home date night, it’s important for a couple to set aside time to connect outside of the stresses of every day life. However, sometimes, it’s not a fancy dinner, concert, or planned activity. Sometimes, it’s an at-home date night after the craziness of the day is done. It doesn’t mean it’s any less of a date night. You’re still spending time together, and that’s what it’s all about. So, we’re giving you some of our favorite at-home date nights we’ve had!
At Home Dat Night: Painting
This activity has been one of Alex and I’s favorite date nights over the last couple of years. This year, we stepped it up a notch. We purchased a larger cut of primed canvas. We suggested getting it already primed. We got a large canvas to fit out of our bare walls. We also purchased a wooden ‘frame’ that clips on the top and bottom of the canvas with magnets to hold it up. (When I find a quality company for this, I’ll update with links) We started the data night by purchasing paints, and we decided on a color theme ahead of time. Anywho, we laid the canvas out and just had fun. For the first time, this was the best. We realized that we’d have a theme and more of an idea in our next canvas before getting crazy.

At home date night: Pizza & Fine China
I have the belief that your fine china isn’t just meant for fine dinners. Every so often, Alex and I will order pizza or a favorite takeout, bust out the fine china, and have a romantic candle-lit dinner. Like I said, date night does not have to be over the top; the fact that you’re making time to simply be together is all it takes! We usually couple this dinner with a really good bottle of wine, and a record don’t he record player. So feel free to add in whatever fun you’d like!

Game Night
This one goes underrated. A solid game night with one of our go-to dates when we don’t have the time or desire to leave the house. We collect vintage games at thrift stores and flea markets, so we switch it up often. Some of our favorites are Skee-ball, Beat That, Liverpool (a family game similar to rummy), and classic Scrabble. We don’t turn the tv on, we share some wine and laugh. A little health competition is fun!

New Recipe
We started this when we were newlyweds in Hawaii. We were discovering so many new foods, and we wanted to know how to make them once we left the island. The first up, sushi! I have never laughed so hard while making dinner in my life. The first round was the largest sushi piece I’ve ever seen; to this day, we laugh about it when we get sushi. So find a recipe you’ve always wanted to try, think outside the box, and go for it! Don’t be afraid to break out that fine china again, too!
If you love our at-home date nights, check out our other date night ideas on our advice blog!