Charles & Rachel’s Summer Beach Engagement

There’s something magical about First Landing State Park! And when you add a couple in love – creating magic for a summer beach engagement just becomes easy. Just ask Charles and Rachel who had a blast creating memories with DeLine Photographer Ashley!

How They Met
How does a bluegrass and traditional soul loving girl meet a soft electronic music appreciator? Well, for Charles and Rachel they can thank their mutual friends and co-workers for having brought them together. You never know where you’ll find your other half but we’re happy work brought these two together!

One of our favorite moments with Charles and Rachel was when they both got in the water! I mean you can’t have a summer beach engagement without some H2O! Thankfully, it was summer so the water was perfect to play around in! Who doesn’t love a good splash in ocean during a hot summer day and thankfully they were game for anything!

The Proposal
While walking along the beach on just another normal Wednesday, Charles decided to propose right there and then. Funny enough, he had already planned to propose that very weekend but could no longer wait. So he decided to ask his best friend to marry him while walking along the Virginia Beach Oceanview.

The Perfect Summer Beach Engagement Location
Wanting a more green and earthy vibe, Rachel and Charles found the perfect spot within First Landing State Park! Charles & Rachel got the perfect balance of earth and beach for their summer beach engagement portraits! Plus, they had the perfect outfits to stand out during all the lush greenery around them.

Loved reading about Charles and Rachel? Be sure to check out Emily & Holton‘s Virginia State Park Engagement photos! Ready to create your own magic? Contact us to find your perfect location!