Lauren and Sam’s Engagement Photos on Lake Anna, VA!

We love it when our couples choose a location that is special to them. Lauren and Sam choose his parent’s lake house, where they go to escape and relax with their little pup Bu! Lauren and Sam’s engagement photos at Lake Anna, VA were to die for! Ending the evening with a romantic boat ride as the sunset above them.

We do believe that all dog parents secretly hope their pup steals the show, Bu did just that! Bu was just 6 months old, now he’s even bigger and filled with more cute charm! He looked so dapper in his bow tie and I’m pretty sure he knew it! He posed like such a good boy the whole time! To be real, they’re lucky I didn’t scoop him up and take him home. Bu charmed me right around his little paw!

How They Met…
Before we get too lost in how cute Bu is, we have to tell you how his parents met. It’s a good one! Lauren and Sam met through a mutual friend, a bottomless DC brunch, and kindergarten flirting tactics. Lauren accidentally stepped on Sam’s foot at the bar and proceeded to “accidentally” step on it the rest of the afternoon. Somehow that worked and Sam reached out for their first date which included a 6 pack and some McFlurries! Our kind of people! McDonald’s bringing people together for decades!

We started their session with a more formal look, for photos around the property, and along the water. Catching a few sun flares through the trees and Bu in his red bow tie. We incorporated a slow quiet evening sitting in the dock chairs while Bu hung out with them. Adding a few romantic touches, too. We didn’t want to stray from what they would normally do at their favorite place, after all photos are about making real memories.

The Proposal
Lauren & Sam got engaged in February 2022 after a couple of years of dating. Sam proposed at the Wharf on the snow-covered pier. The pier itself was closed due to weather but Sam somehow convinced Lauren to go under the caution tape (yes there was caution tape up) and walk out in the snow (and heels) into the middle of the pier. Luckily the security guards showed up after she said yes! We love a little rule-breaking for a magic moment!

The finale of their engagement photos on Lake Anna, VA did not disappoint. I mean LOOK! Just take a few moments to be in awe, we’ll wait…

See?? We weren’t joking! Our favorite part? They ditched the champagne and opted for what they actually like bourbon! We cruised around the lake, stopping to take in the sunset and make magical memories. Snuggling on the bow of the boat, and toasting to their future mixed in with college memories, and young dating highlights. The perfect ending to a great evening!

If you love Lauren and Sam’s engagement photos on Lake Anna, VA you’ll love Kinsey and Pace’s Middleburg VA engagement portraits!