Jeff & Danielle’s Freedom Park Engagement Portraits

Want to know the ways to a woman’s heart? Taco Bell, Macaroons and a simple Charcuterie board…ok, maybe that’s just Danielle’s heart but she’s got good taste! Jeff and Danielle moved to Charlotte several years ago and will have their spring 2021 wedding there as well. When Jeff decided to propose to Danielle he knew to completely win her heart he’d have to include her favorite things. Fast forward to July and they chose Freedom Park to meet with their dog Freddie to take their engagement portraits.

As we walked around Freedom Park we discussed our former Western New York lives, home buying experiences, and our love for good food and great beer. What the photos don’t show, is how HOT it was. Early July in the Carolina heat is no joke, but Danielle and Jeff handled it with grace and maybe a beer or two to cool off.

For summer engagement portraits the biggest stress factor is the heat. I encourage couples to bring a small cooler with a few beverages (alcoholic or not) and a towel to wipe away or fan away any sweat. Not to mention a little liquid courage is sometimes helpful to ditch those camera fears.

We decided at the end of their portraits down by the river. (tell me I’m not the only one who said that in a Chris Farley voice?!) Cooling off by dipping our feet in the water and splashing around a bit. Which we then negated by standing in the hot parking lot swapping fur parent stories, but who doesn’t love talking about their fur babies??

I’m not only lucky enough to photograph Danielle & Jeff’s wedding, but I also get to capture her sister’s wedding too. Check out Lauren & Pete’s Baltimore engagement session!