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couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

Mt Rainer Portraits | Mr & Mrs Wilde

Mar 22, 2022

Beth & Griff’s Mt Rainer Portraits

I met Beth and Griff back when Alex and I were stationed in Hawaii. Griff I’d met a few times while he and Alex worked together, but honestly, I wasn’t overly concerned with meeting another military spouse at the time, Beth felt the same way. That was until on the fourth of July we hit it off. Maybe it was the holiday or maybe it was the champagne…the world will never know. Come to find out Beth and I had more in common than we thought.

couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer

While Alex and I decided to leave the military life, Griff and Beth decided on one more enlistment that brought them to Washington. I was traveling out to Washington last year, I wanted to do a portrait session with a couple just for fun and Beth landed herself in my inbox to snag the opportunity. Honestly, I couldn’t think of a better couple. I mean look at them!!!

couples kissing in Mt Rainer
couples kissing in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples kissing in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples kissing behind a hat in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer

Enough about how the world brought us together. Let’s talk about these two cuties.

couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer
couples adventuring in Mt Rainer

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer
couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer
couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer
couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

Beth & Griff met through friends of friends. In 2013 Beth was attending Lynchburg College for undergrad and Griffin was stationed at Fort. Bragg. They met through her college roommate who had a good friend that came to visit. A few hangouts and it was clear these two were meant to be.

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer
couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

Since meeting in North Carolina they’ve traveled the world, lived in Hawaii, and now their beautiful home in Washington. Complete with their little tail-wagging boy Jack by their side!

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

One of the reasons I love my job is because I have the rare opportunity to make people feel so comfortable in front of my camera they express their true feelings. The way husbands look at their partner or the way a wife glows when they are with their person. Griff and Beth are no exception. It’s not always a verbal exchange, it’s usually with their eyes or body language. If you time it just right, you’ll see how it looks for someone to have their whole world in their arms.

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

Capturing that moment was important to me for Griff & Beth. Like a lot of military couples, they didn’t have a big wedding with lots of photos. They fell in love and got married. Because when the love of your life does what our husbands used to do for work, you don’t waste a second.

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer
couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer

I truly hope their families see these photos for decades to come and know the true love these two wonderful humans share. It’s truly the real deal.

couple dressed elegantly in Mt Rainer