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Engaged couple walking over bridge hand in hand for Norfolk VA engagement portraits

Norfolk Engagement Portraits | Free Mason District

Dec 4, 2021

Marissa and Jimmy’s Norfolk Engagement Portraits

Engaged couple walking over bridge hand in hand for Norfolk VA engagement portraits

There is something so fun about heading back to where it all began which is exactly what we did to commemorate Marissa and Jimmy’s engagement! It was a great day celebrating their love and beautiful future together. These Norfolk Engagement Portraits in the Free Mason District were truly picture perfect. 

Couple kissing across table in Norfolk VA engagement portraits
Couple sharing coffee in Norfolk VA coffee shop for engagement pictures
Couple sitting at table in coffee shop for Norfolk VA engagement portraits

Their idea of capturing a few pictures over coffee was the best! I loved their ability to relax, be comfortable and have fun. Their personalities came shining through. I loved capturing these intimate moments all while laughing and having a good time.

Couple in front of white brick house for Norfolk VA engagement portraits
Couple sitting by water embracing and kissing
Engaged couple walking hand in hand for Norfolk VA engagement portraits

Marissa and Jimmy met through mutual friends at Old Dominion University. The couple had been in similar circles for a few years but it wasn’t until a friend pointed out their sparks that the relationship became official. 

Couple posing for engagement portraits in the Free Mason district in Norfolk VA
Couple on a bridge looking over the water
Couple embracing on bridge

On the night of their engagement, Marissa and Jimmy were taking a walk down memory lane. Walking past where Jimmy lived when they first started dating. Reminiscing about the restaurant that was close by  where they had their first date. When they reached the Hague bridge, Jimmy suggested they sit for a bit and enjoy the sunset. He gave Marissa a note and when she looked up after reading, Jimmy was down on one knee. We had such a fun night strolling through Norfolk and on the Hague bridge right where the magic happened! I am so excited for Jimmy and Marissa and can’t wait to capture the big day in 2022! Cheers to many celebrations to come!

Couple walking hand in hand in engagement portraits
Couple embracing on bridge in the Free Mason district for engagement photos

If you love Jimmy and Marissa’s Norfolk engagement portraits you will swoon over Derek & Heather’s unique parking garage engagement pictures in Norfolk!

DeLine Photography is a wedding photographer based out of Virginia. Cat DeLine specializes in weddings, elopements and couples portraits. DeLine Photography serves all of Hampton Roads, Norfolk VA, Virginia Beach, and the Outer Banks, NC.