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couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria

Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos | Melanie & Dylan

Oct 5, 2020

Dylan & Melanie’s Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos

Couple dancing in alley in Old Town Alexandria

What do delicious nuggets, a large drink, waffle fries, and a diamond ring have in common? Nothing, unless you’re Dylan and Melanie who got engaged in a Chick-fila parking lot on a Saturday ‘quarantine date night’.

couple in front of Carylyle House in Old Town Alexandria
Couple walking I Old Town Alexandria
couple sitting on steps in Old Town Alexandria

When we finally met in person for their Old Town Alexandria Engagement Photos I knew we’d have no shortage of things to talk about as fellow Chick-fila believers.

couple walking down alley in Old Town Alexandria
couple walking down alley in Old Town Alexandria

We started at the Carlyle House, Melanie in a dress and Dylan in a button-down and khakis. We strolled along the cobblestone streets, snuck into the dreamest lit alley, and down to the water.

couple hugging in front of marina in Old Town Alexandria
couple hugging infront of Marina in Old Town Alexandria
couple walking in Old Town Alexandria

Their casual looks called for running across the street, snuggles in front of the boats, and last but not least a treat!

couple walking in Old Town Alexandria
couple kissing in Old Town Alexandria
couple running across the street in Old Town Alexandria

Melanie had asked if they could do something together during their engagement photos to help take their mind off of taking photos. She suggested ice cream, and I was hooked! Picturing them walking along the sidewalk after sunset with cones and the hustle and bustle of the night light behind them.

couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria
couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria
couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria
couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria
couple eating ice cream in Old Town Alexandria

If you love Melanie and Dylan’s engagement photos you’ll love Nicole and Dan’s Spring Old Town engagement portraits.