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3 Must Do’s for your engagement ring!

Dec 20, 2019

Ahhhh you’re engaged!! Sh*t just got real! So now what should you do?

Guy proposing on Bellows Beach in Hawaii

Before we get into the Must Do’s here’s a few things I learned after getting engaged: Soak it up, this is a moment where a new chapter begins. Stare at your person, be those weird people kissing in the coffee shop, and be in a bubble for a few days. Hello, I’m Cat and I’m a romantic.

First Must Do: Make a stop into the jeweler. A ring size isn’t as easy to figure out as a shoe size. Each finger is a different size and they even differ from each hand. Stop into your local jeweler, and get measured. If your ring is too big and you’re not ready to send it out, get a metal ring sizer. It’s a thin piece of metal that wraps around the shank (bottom) of your ring. It does the trick of keeping the ring on your finger, however it will get caught in your hair and can be a bit uncomfortable. I suggest not keeping the sizer on your ring more than a month. It may take your jeweler a few days or a week to size your ring correctly, it’s worth the wait and it’s safer for your beautiful new ring!

Second Must Do: Create a reminder in your calendar for when you’ll need to stop by the jewelers again for maintenance. I suggest a yearly (or bi-yearly if you’re in a very damp/humid environment) to have your ring dipped (white gold) and buffed (yellow & rose gold). When your jeweler performs these they’ll also look at your prongs, the wear and tear on your ring and suggest any other fixes you need. This is important since this will keep your ring in top shape and last for generations.

Final Must Do: Create smart habits while wearing and not wearing your ring. I always suggest not wearing your ring while you clean (the chemicals are harsh on the metal), or while you sleep (surprisingly the #1 way to lose a diamond). When you take your ring off, create a habit of putting it in the same exact spot each time. A cute ring dish or a jewelry box, somewhere safe. Check out 5 Times NOT to Wear Your Engagement Ring blog to learn more smart habits!

engaged couple on top of a mountain in hawaii

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Now you NEED to know 5 Times Not to Wear Your Engagement Ring